Trip the Light Tour
Fun Day & Crystal Grid Prep
We have a large group coming to the ceremony today. I can’t wait to meet and connect with everyone.
My Harmonic Egg Experience
Between the Crystal Grid ceremony in Oahu and my Harmonic Egg Experience in Maui, I’m flying high and feeling GREAT!
Sacred Land
More info came forward about the land we stayed on and where we put the crystal in back into the earth.
A Cleansing Rain
The heavens opened and the cleansing rains fell as we put this beautiful crystal into the earth!
Meeting People Along the Journey
I find it fascinating the synchronicity that happens when we open to possibilities. Check out this story of a woman I met at a random birthday party.
Painting Project
I have been painting the little space that I’ve been staying in. Mission complete!
Leaning into Simplicity
Simple things and childhood memories of clothes dried on a clothesline.
The Big Island
I’m getting acclimated to the time change and listening to what I need in the moment. Big Island vibes to come within.
Time to Stretch
I find it super helpful to stretch before long flights! It’s a game changer and my body always thanks me!
Preparing for Hawaii
I’m having a few packing challenges while feeling the vibration and energy of Hawaii!
My Body + Self-Love
Here’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Acceptance and self-love can make it easier to shift and change.
Atlanta Recap + Space Clearing Story
Check out the recap on my last crystal grid ceremony and a story about space clearing too.
Stone Mountain Prep Day
People are receiving similar messages and insight during our crystal grid ceremonies. It’s fun to witness this unfold from place to place.
Similar Messages and More
People are receiving similar messages and insight during our crystal grid ceremonies. It’s fun to witness this unfold from place to place.